Top 6 Fitness Tips to Get You in Perfect Shape

Achieving peak fitness will improve your mind, body and health. And these fitness tips will help you to get awesome results.

Cross-Train: Cross training involves using several types of exercise in one workout. It’s great because you don’t have time to get bored, every single muscle in your body is used and it reduces the risk of injury.

Try Something New:  When you’ve followed the same exercise routine for a while, it can become a bit stale. When this happens, one of the best fitness tips is to incorporate something new into your routine.

You could become involved in a team sport, invest in some high quality home fitness equipment, or DVD’s, or try a new outdoor activity. Doing this will give you renewed enthusiasm and prevent you from giving up on your fitness regime altogether.

Adjust Your Fitness Plan According to the Season:  If you’re not careful, the weather can really play havoc with your fitness plan. Running may not seem so appealing in the hot sun, or the freezing winter. And dark winter nights may make a journey to the gym seem suddenly unappealing.

One of the top fitness tips shared by those who are dedicated to regular fitness is to plan ahead for the season. Think about what you could do to adjust your fitness plans for the weather, and put them into action long before you think about giving up.

Don’t Skimp On Stretching:  When you’re short on time, it’s all too easy to skip stretching before and after your workout routine. Don’t be tempted to do this yourself, as the results could be fatal.

Missing one stretching session could result in an injury that could ruin your fitness plan for weeks. And while you’re unable to exercise, the body you’ve worked so hard for will deteriorate.

Exercise to Music You Love:  Take the time to put an MP3 together that includes music that you love to exercise to. This is one of the ultimate fitness tips as recent research has shown that listening to music you enjoy actually increases dopamine levels, and makes you feel happier.

Feeling happy increases your motivation and enjoyment and encourage you to work extra hard.

Keep a Progress Record:  Reminding yourself of what you’ve achieved will encourage you to keep up your fitness regime and aim for new fitness goals.

Following these fitness tips will help you to stay fit and healthy and get the body you have always dreamed of.


1)Cream sauce or ‘au gratin’  or breaded ,battered ,fried ,gravy –smoothed items are caloric suicide items
2)Eat foods made with lean chicken breast ,beans ,or veggies  -no ‘white’ foods
3)When dinning start with soup and take it slowly .It reduces your appetite and leans calorie intake
4)Take smaller bites and chew well because the slower you eat ,the less you eat
5)Do not sit around for over an hour .Enzymes that break down fat go on a break too
6)Weigh yourself daily .It indicates how you are doing and how much harder you need to try
7)Fruits and vegetables are good ,apple ,apricot ,bean ,cabbage ,carrot ,maize ,cucumber ,grape help you lose weight
8)Do not miss breakfast because as blood sugar level drops ,your food cravings increase ,you eat more –piles on the kilos
9)Keep moving ,those who keep moving are slim because they are constantly burning fat
10)Go heavy on   IQ ,not meals ,brain takes 20 minutes to know you are  full .When you eat fast , you eat more and when you eat slow you eat less
11)Keep track of your weight and body –mass –index weekly
12)Walk for about 40 minutes a day –an average human being walks about 216 262 500 steps in his life
13)Swap your soft drink with a sugar free drink or maybe ice water
14)Use the stairs instead of an elevator ,it is good for your health -1 step on stairs is equivalent to 3 steps
15)Eating too much fruit add more sugar to diet ,go for yogurt or milk to slow the absorption
16)Boost your metabolism by eating the same amount of food as you always do but spread it out as 6 instead of the usual 4 meals
17)Do some exercises or physical activities for 30 minutes a day of walk 40 minutes a day to help reducing weight
18)Proper rest (6 to 8 hours a night )is crucial to keep your metabolism increased
19)Intensive resistance training is an effective exercise to lose fat fast .You can make use of interval training (cardiovascular workouts )to burn more calories fast .The number one form of exercise for fat loss is intensity resistance training 
